Monday 4 January 2016

Potential Magazine Front Cover Contents

Name Of Magazine: Oscar

Slogan: Worlds No1 Movie Magazine

Date: July 2015

Issue Number: 147

Main Cover Lines:  Firestorm - Jaden Smith talks Karate Kid, father and his friendship with Justin Bieber.

Other Cover Line:

  • Michael Banning talk Olympus Has Fallen
  • Samuel L Jackson stars in the Avengers
  • Tom Cruise relives starring as Ethan Hunt
  • Jennifer Lawrence 
  • Steven Spielberg on Jurassic World
  • Robert Downy recounts his slump in the early stages of his carrier.
  • Dwayne Johnson
  • Bradley Cooper tells on acting as a Navy Seal. 
  • Fast and Furious 8 potential

Regarding the The specific date of July was for the sole reason that I wanted the thriller magazine to be released in the summer as the majority of my audience are in their last years of high school taking GCSEs or A- Levels and as I want it to be a highly grossed movie I want to give everyone a chance to see it. I felt that summer holidays would be the best option as everyone is free at that time of the year.

Also after doing some research I felt that some of the other cover lines should write what they are discussing not just the name of actor or movie. However that does happen at times to I put a few just names in my other cover lines.

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