Sunday 3 January 2016

Result Of My Magazine Questionnaire

The results of my magazine questionnaire came unsurprising to me. They essentially correlated with my secondary research which I now know was done well.

When asking where the masthead should be placed, I'd already thought of this through all my secondary research. In my secondary research I found that in all the mainstream magazines I looked at, the masthead came at the top of the page. However I wasn't 100% sure, and it's ultimately what the public want. The questionnaire came back with the majority feeling that the rightful place for the masthead should be at the top of the page. This primary research is backing up what I already know through my secondary research.

When I asked who should be front cover, most of the people (85%) said the main protagonist. However others wanted the antagonist on the magazine front cover. I opted for the main protagonist for the sole reason that the protagonist is more well known which means more people are going to buy the magazine.

Most people felt that dark colours are most suitable as we are representing a thriller. They questionnaire also came back to ell me that people will rather have big budget films and well known actors on the front cover, this goes on to emphasise the type of magazine that I am representing.

I'll go on and consider all this information and add it to what I already know through my secondary research.

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