Tuesday 5 January 2016


 Establishing Shot-   take a long shot along the River Thames in London then a shot of a red bus (and black cabs) Parliament ... Big Ben. DO OTHER SHOT WHILST THERE shots of people walking by each way.

Scene 1:

Long Shot- Camera on the floor looking up at the bed

Medium Shot- above the bed .. like a point of view shot.

Extreme Close up- To the father of the protagonists mouth as he mutters 'FIRESTORM'


Long Shot- Man in front of the grave holding flowers (wear a black suit and tie) take the shot from behind the stone.

Low Angle Shot-  of facial expression looking down.


Medium shot- of the protagonist taking the box down off the shelf

Over the shoulder- From behind him taking the box down focusing on the box.

Close Up- A high angle Close up shot of the box, and him untaping the box.

Cut just as the box opens and it goes blank.

Extreme Close up- (Dialing tone ) dialing at a fast pace
Close up- cut to girlfriend saying ' whats wrong'
Close up- (protagonist) "hun I've got FIRESTORM
Close up- (girlfriend) What is firestorm)
Close up- I cant tell u, they will kill me.

have her getting kidnapped
Tracking shot- from behind, Girlfriend strolling through the alleyway
same shot from front (have stop after ten seconds)
Long shot- (try different distances though) two henchmen approach from opposite sides.
close up- of her face in shock
Two shot- (from her perspective) henchmen coming towards her
Close up- bag goes over girlfriend head.

Protagonist meets antagonist
ecu - phone to ear
ecu - mouth saying we got her
ecu - of his eyes (maybe wearing sunglasses,
Ecu- Maybe got cigar) ??

decide location
evil place... right chair .. lighting .. etc

Action Shots

Running shots

- past the camera at a diagonal angle ... do this from a few different angles eg. behind the protagonist take it from stationary position. take from in front of the protagonist.  also have a low angle shot ( running towards maybe 'over' the camera.

Jon how about i film once CU and once MS and we can edit in between
Fight shots

CU- of the protagonist  pulling the antagonists henchmen.
CU- of them grappling (film from the right of the fight)
CU punching ( film from the left of the fight)

Shots Of Weapons

CU- we may have a shot of the henchmen  Pulling a knife on the protagonist
CU- cocking a gun will disorientate the audience

Reaction Shots

ECU - Shot of someone hands on the door shows tension and continues to disorientate the audience
MS - door creaking

Floor Level Shots

CU - Unknown people walking past
  -Walking up the stairs
ECU- Leather gloved hands on banister

Shots From high places looking at locations below

ELS - looking down from the bridge at school
ECU - peering down above someone
LS - on a balcony

Shadow a Silhouettes

need to talk to Jon about the angle you need to take this shot in to take a silhouettes.

Someone answering the phone

MS - shot of someone walking towards a car ...
cut back
ELS - shot of someone watching them...
cut to
MS - a close up of her hand opening the car door ...
cut back
ECU - to a reaction shot of the previous persons face.

Circle the lead protagonist in photo

CU - handling something to something else.

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