Sunday 3 January 2016

Result of my Questionnaire Poster

Most of the results came too no surprise. It came to confirm what I already knew from analysing posters. The result of my questionnaire poster is as follows:

Almost everyone that I gave this questionnaire too came to the conclusion that I should have the main Protagonist holding a gun as this shows that the main protagonist is a brave person, but he is alone against the inevitable antagonist.

I had noticed through my secondary research that the backgrounds were mostly dark colours. This was confirmed in my questionnaires where 90% said dark colours and the rest said fiery colours. I felt this is true as a soft pastel colour wont fit in and will clash against a protagonist with a gun. Some felt that a fiery colour will add to the thrill of the man with a gun. But I opted out of that theory and felt that a dark colour will bring out more and put focus directly on the protagonist.

Another thing that I noticed through my secondary research was that the background on thriller posters linked to the main image. I put this in my questionnaire to see if other people thought the same, the result came back with over 85% saying they would love to see the background linking back to the main image. I felt now that my secondary research was linking with what the actual public wants to see.

I have already done considerable amount of research on what the certificate should be in my movie. I've decided that it will be a 12 but i still wasn't 100% sure if i was right so I decided to put it in my questionnaire to see what the thriller fans thought. The results came back with a lot of the public saying 12 whereas there was also many people that felt it should be a 15 as they felt there would be a lot of action, sexual scenes and even maybe some drugs. However I felt that I would keep those things to minimum so that the wider public can enjoy the movie.  

When asking if the font should be upper or lower case, my research already told me that uppercase shows that what I am presenting is a big blockbuster and 98% of the public agreed that uppercase fully represented my movie.

Most of the public agreed with me that the release date should be in the summer holidays when all he big thrillers come out as that is the time when people have the most time to o and watch a thriller. This means at that time the revenue will be greater.

Most of the public that returned my questionnaire felt that having a tagline will add greatness to my poster and actors names attract the public to go and watch the movie.

Finally reviews was a big question, I didn't know if I should or shouldn't add it to my poster. The result came back 50% for and 50% against which I feared. But after much thought I decided to go with reviews because deep down I felt that are many people (evidently 50%) that reviews were important so as I am trying to cater for as many people as possible I'm going to add reviews in my poster.

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