Thursday 31 December 2015

Questionnaire For My Poster

Having gather lots of secondary research, I have now decided to create questionnaires to gather some primary research which I will add to my secondary research which I already assembled. Primary research is also important as you now know 'first hand' what the audience will like to see on A Thriller Poster, Teaser Trailer and Magazine Front Cover.

Below is a questionnaire in which I attempt to gather information which will help me create my poster , teaser trailer and magazine front cover in terms of background colour, font, certificate etc. I distributed this around my school to people that enjoyed Thriller movies.

I will then incorporate what I have found in this questionnaire to what I have already found when analysing Posters.

What do you expect the main image of the poster to be

  • Protagonist holding a gun.
  • Protagonist and Antagonist in a two shot
  • The box 
  • Nothing
What do you expect the colour scheme to be 
  • Soft and pastel colours
  • Dark colours
  • Fiery colours
  • Plain white 
What do you expect the background to be
  • Background that links to the main image
  • Big city
  • No background
What do you expect the certificate a Thriller to be
  • PG
  • 12
  • 12A
  • 15
  • 18
Do you expect upper on lower case letters
  • Upper case 
  • Lower case
What season do you expect a thriller to come out
  • Autumn 
  • Winter 
  • Spring
  • Summer
Would you like the names of actors to be on the poster
  • Yes
  • No
Would you like taglines on the poster
  • Yes 
  • No
Would you like to see reviews on the poster
  • Yes 
  • No 
  • Don't know   

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