Thursday 31 December 2015

Thriller Trailer Analysis 1

  • Starts with a nice music tempo.
  • There is a close father daughter relationship.
  • Respects father by asking his permission
  • Establishing shot of Paris
  • It's made clear that the husband and wife are not together anymore.
  • Dialing tone.. then upbeat music... something is going to be going down
  • Continuous split scenes seem to erupt. This is common when the actors are using phones instead of cutting back and forward.
  • Screaming and then a cut leaves the audience wanting more. This is very common in the thriller movie genre
  • Cuts to the Protagonists only source of Intel. The director uses a extreme close up of this to show the audience that it isn't much to go on.
  •  There are continuous shot lists to show the fast pace 
  • Someone is getting electrocuted meaning that he will go to any lengths to get her back 
  • Fast paced fight scenes with a very lot of shots bundled together
  • There is a deadline which as to the thrill of the movie and put the audience on edge
  • There is also emotion with the mother crying
  • The daughter is dressed like a whore, to create eye candy for the audience. Also to show what will happen to her if her dad doesn't help her
  • It builds up to the Climax with loads of explosions and glass breaking 
  • Whilst all this is happening the famous tagline of the movie is going n with a voice over in the background
  • The trailer ends in a cliffhanger. 

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