Thursday 31 December 2015

BBFC Research - Certificate For My Film

I have done research on two certificates 12 and 15 on the BBFC website to see whats more appropriate for my film.

I have also taken the effort to add a link of the website which I did my research on.

Here is my guidelines fora 12 film

The BBFC guidelines state that strong language may be used including F*** may be passed as a 12 rating. However it depends on the context of it being used. Moderate language such as twat and bitch may be used in a 12

BBFC however writes that any discrimination will not be tolerated in a 12 movie and could result in being pushed up to a 15 unless it's clearly condemned.

This site goes on to say that there can be some sexual behavior in a 12 movie however it has to be discreetly and and briefly portrayed. Verbal sex references shouldn't go beyond is suitable for young adults. Sex and sex references are treated he same, no matter about sexuality.

Furthermore in a 12 moderate violence is allowed but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries and blood. Fight scenes are allowed even long ones. However if you are using weapons in these fight scenes that are easily accessible to children, for example knifes, the age rating will be bumped unto a 15

Horror films may be passed for a 12, but they may only have moderate physical and physiological threat and these scenes are not frequent and the tone is kept on a average normal.

Imitable behavior and drugs in  movie may still get you passed for a 12. However it has to be brief and very difficult to copy. Anti-social behavior will not be endorsed

The guidelines for a 15 film:

What you might see in a 15 movie is

  • Strong violence 
  • Frequent strong language
  • Portrayals of sexual activity
  • Strong verbal references to sex
  • Sexual nudity 
  • Strong brief scenes of sexual violence or brief scenes of verbal violence.
  • Discriminatory language or behavior
  • Drug taking

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