Wednesday 30 December 2015

Thriller Movie Conventions - Inception

  • The poster has a dark theme to it, this revels to the audience what type of genre this movie will be (thriller.)
  • The poster is darker around the edges. This is a tool to make you pay more attention to the center of the image.
  • the actors are wearing suits which makes them prevail as important people. However they are also holding guns which makes them seem dangerous if need be.
  • The title Inception stands out boldly next to all the other texts. The letters are red, red usually means danger and violence. 
  • The name Leonardo DiCaprio on the poster will attract more people to see it.
  • The light in the background could mean that they come from a brighter past or they are going to a brighter future.
  • Underneath the title it says ' from the directors of the Dark Knight' this is trying to attract fans that enjoyed that movie to come and watch this.

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