Wednesday 30 December 2015

Thriller Movie Conventions - Taken

  • The tall man is the entire background, he is shadowy and is on a side angle. This makes it hard for the audience to make out his face. This is very secretive suggesting that he is some sort of spy
  • The quote used is very direct, personal and threatening by repeating "I" and "YOU" and " I WILL KILL YOU." This draws the audience as it's intriguing and exciting and gives a clear sense of the movie in a cleaver way.
  • The colour scheme is mainly black, white and grey this gives a sinister feel to the movie and suggests that the film is quite dark and foreshadows a lot of death.
  • The pistol merges in the foreground of the poster this makes it stand out. This links well with the rest of the movie that is promoting violence and saying that he is some sort of spy looking to kill.
  • The orange in 'Taken' and in the actors name 'Liam Neeson' this is done so it sticks out of the rest of the poster and will be remembered by the audience.

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